The Evrnetwork - About Us
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About Us

About pages are awkward and sucky and most likely, 100% fabricated. Instead of telling you about our likes, dislikes, hopes and dreams for the future, the charities in which we are involved, or how we are "helping" the environment; we'll tell you this instead :

We aren't the best at what we do, far from it. But we aren't afraid. We're committed in delivering the best possible experience to our users. We'll take risks and deviate from the norm when we see a better way. It may not always work. And when it doesn't, we admit our mistakes and we try to do better, move forward, and ultimately, become better. The only reason why we can say this is 'cause when the days and weeks suck. It's through the belief and support of our families and His presence that raise our hopes and make us want to become better. To Him we owe our success, without God nothing is possible, but through Him we can achieve anything. To deny this would be a shame, so we can't be bothered how it sounds.

So that's it, that's the beginning and end of our about page. Think of these words not as a mission statement, but a promise. A promise we made to ourselves, one that you now know.